Locked out?

Locksmith West Linn OR locksmith services are available 24 hours a day with mobile assistance, meaning we come to you anytime anywhere.

As a local West Linn locksmith service, we provide residential, automotive, and commercial lock and key solutions at your location 24 hours a day. fully capable of assisting a portion of our customers key duplication and lock repair/rekey. We can also order locks for you through our distributor, and we think that you will be more than pleased with the cost!


We can provide a locksmith for cars, homes, and any commercial entity. Have you locked your keys in your car? Are you looking to replace that lost car key-the one with chip inside the key fob? Maybe you are looking to simply duplicate the aforementioned key, which is much cheaper by the way, before you lose the only one you do have! Our car key replacement in West Linn is available for almost every make, model, and year that you inquire about. For the most part, we can see you the day you call, so don’t even think of renting a car or canceling your schedule.

Locksmith General West Linn OR is hoping to grow with the continued expansion of the area itself. We are looking to partner with many local businesses in the area that might have need for ongoing locksmith service in West Linn. While this primarily pertains to rental companies and real estate agents, we do work with many other types of commercial clients. Call (503) 344-6224 at your earliest convenience to learn more about how partnering with Locksmith General West Linn OR. can benefit you.